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Fun Swing birthday parties with programme (6 to 10 yrs)


BAt a Fun Swing Birthday Party we play several active games and learn to use -and play with- the swings.


A party lasts two hours including a 15 minute break. Cake/snacks and drinks can be brought and served during the break (bring you own cutlery!). We provide a large table with tablecloth. (There is free sirop and water, no need to bring you own drinks or cups)


Parties can be held at Wednesday afternoon (13.00-15.00) or (14-16.00), Saturday (11.00-13.00 or 15.00–17.00) and Sunday (11.00-13.00 or 15.00–17.00)


A party (for max 10 kids) costs 195 euro. (more children are possible but we charge an additional 15,00 euro's each)  Payment in cash please.


(There will be no other children than the ones you invited in the studio during the party)


Dresscode: easy clothes, indoor gymshoes or bare feet...


Fun Swing birthday parties without programme (0 to 6 yrs)


Since most children under six are not ready for organised games and instruction the way we do for older children, the parties for the smaller ones are Do-It-Yourself.


Which means you can rant the studio with swings and other playthings as your private indoor playground.


Apart from some instruction beforehand there will be no staff around and you and the other parents will have to take care of the children.


There is music equipment and you can bring your own drinks and snacks.


n order for you to be able to organise it well you would need to pass by one time beforehand so you can see the studio.


The price for a two hours slot is 120 euro but you could have it longer. (We do not charge for the time you need to set up  and leave).


The Fun Swing studio is part of the building 'Grote Pyr' but has its own entrance (Waldeck Pyrmontkade 115).



Bookings and information: 06 45906139 or




Regulary there are 1 hour Fun Swing workshops. (fit for children between 5 and 10 years old)


​Times and dates of the workshops are not fixed. If you want to know about the next one sent an e-mail to


Participation in a workshop costs 10 euro per child and registration is mandatory.










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